Removed dataTables templates

The dataTable templates have been removed with WP-Filebase Pro 3.4.24. You can still use them, but they won’t be available for new installs. 

With these templates we tried to give you an easy start to DataTables, a table plug-in for jQuery. Having full control of the generated DOM, it was a flexible way to present files to the user. However, the basic mechanisms, such as search and sort, required some nasty hacking in the templates. Thats why we created an extension for DataTables, that does not require any template coding and just works. Search, sort and filtering work out of the box!

If you want to use the old dataTable templates in a new WordPress install, you can use an earlier version than 3.4.23 and then upgrade to the latest. Still, we dont recommend using them anymore.

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2 thoughts on “Removed dataTables templates

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