Feature Matrix

Here is a more or less complete feature matrix. Note that you can test everything at the sandbox demo

FeaturesWP-Filebase ProWP-Filebase
Templates for Files, Categories and Lists consitent
Paginated and Sortable File Lists
AJAX File Tree Browser
Search Integration
Secondary Categories for Files
Extended Permissions
Embedded Upload Forms
PDF thumbnails and indexing
Improved Batch Import & Syncing
File Detail Pages
Cloud Sync
Advanced shortcode attributes `search` and `private`
Advanced batch uploader
Secondary categories
Tag Clouds and listing by file tag
Downloadable categories (ZIP files)
Custom fields from file meta (ID3, PDF meta …) see Demo
Email Notifications on upload
Drag & Drop files to posts or pages to attach
File Passwords
AJAX lists (inifinite scrolling)
Custom Post Type
PHP in embed templates
Extended File Browser Shortcode (fully expanded)
Robust file analysis
Drag and Drop Filebrowser
Upload notifications
Advanced thumbnails for RAW, CR2, PSD
Preset Sync (apply Meta Data during Sync)
XML Sitemap for files
FTP Sync
Custom User Roles traffic limit
Embedded Upload Forms
Rescan Tool
TIF/TIFFF thumbnails
External Cron Service Support
CForms 7 integration
RSS Feed for files
Custom fields in email notification

Free To Pro

Based on WP-Filebase, this extended version includes even more features, like PDF thumbnails, single file pages and batch syncing. If you – or you clients – are already using WP-Filebase, you can just upgrade to WP-Filebase Pro and all files, categories and settings are adopted – no need of reconfiguration.

Secondary Categories

Secondary Categories
You can select up to three secondary Categories

Files can be assigned to up to three secondary categories. The actual file stays in the primary category, while links are added to secondary categories so it will appear in file lists.

Extended Permissions

Extended Permissions

With WP-Filebase Pro you can protect files with passwords and set file access permissions to individual users.
You can select multiple user roles and users to allow access to files and categories.
Furthermore you have control about who can upload, edit files, delete files, manage categories, edit templates or create upload forms.
Upload to Categories can be restricted to user roles and individual users.

Embedded Upload Forms

Embedded Upload Form with Drag&Drop
Embedded Upload Form with Drag&Drop

You can embed upload forms into content to allow users to upload files from the front-end. You can either let the uploading user choose to which category the files is uploaded or you can set a fixed target category. For categories you can set upload permissions to restrict upload to certain users.
Embedded Forms include a fancy HTML5/Flash uploader that has a Drag & Drop area and progress bar.

PDF Thumbnails and Indexing

WP-Filebase Pro can generate thumbnails of PDF files and support indexing their keywords for search. It can even automatically extract the Document Title with a custom regular expression.
Thumbnail generation requires GhostScript to be installed on your server. Use this PHP-File to test if GhostScript is properly installed on your Linux or Windows server. ODT and DOCX files are indexed so they will appear in search results.

Batch Syncing

Batch Sync with memory bar

… never runs out of memory anymore! Regardless of how many files you want to import, Batch Syncing can add ’em all! In an initial step it builds a file list, which is processed in multiple requests.

File Details Page

Example File Details Page
Example File Details Page

Do you have ads you want to present to the user before the download starts? With File Pages you can do! A details page is generated for each file, using a customizable template. You can additionally setup an automatic timer to redirect to the download.

FTP, Dropbox & Amazon S3 Sync

Finally you can simply add your Dropbox Files to your WordPress Blog. The Remote Sync (or Cloud Sync) connects to any Cloud file-storage Service such as Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive and WebDav (Owncloud). It scans directories and files recursivly. Thumbnails are automatically created while the file stays in the Cloud without causing any data traffic to your website. WP-Filebase Pro can also sync with an external FTP site.
Combined with cron sync, WP-Filebase Pro will automatically display files added to the Dropbox or other cloud services.
Remote Sync is 2-way, that means that files uploaded to the WordPress Site are automatically uploaded to the Cloud Server. Read more …

3 thoughts on “Feature Matrix

  1. Ashwin says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    This is the most useful thing to know all the setting of printer in windows 10 OS.Because you don’t know any of the time you have to use this.Then follow this http://addprinterwindows10.com/ and know more about this.

  2. Bob says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: -3 (from 5 votes)


    I wonder whether Filebase Pro can restrict daily download limit for each user group?


  3. Siddharth Jain says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +1 (from 1 vote)

    Please confirm if wp-filebase supports PHP 7 or not ?

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