Indexed and searchable Document Types

WP-Filebase Pro indexes supported documents and enable search of the content. It’ll scan the whole file content in stable and efficient way, so any keyword on any document page will get recognized.

Portable Document Format.PDFRequires Ghostscript with the txtwrite device (included in version 9.05 or higher)
Microsoft Word Document.DOCX
Microsoft Excel Document.XLSX
Microsoft Powerpoint Document.PPTX, .PPTMFull text index of all slides
Microsoft Word Document.ODT
ZIP Archive.ZIPSearches file names inside archive
Extensible Markup Language.XMLFull text index of tag content
Comma-separated values.CSVFull text index

The search index is updated on rescan. You can see the extracted keyword below the form when editing a file.

16 thoughts on “Indexed and searchable Document Types

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