Update 3.4.3 is compatible with WordPress 4.4.1 and includes the following changes:
- New Dashboard
- New upload box — More responsive, new coloring adapts to admin theme
- Added logging system
- Added GitHub file name format version recognition
- Fills out file display and version automatically
- Fixed cron bug
- Updated image-picker and jquery-deserialize
- Added download URLs to backend file browser
- Generate filepage excerpt template fix
- PPTM indexing
- Fixed ghotscript detection
- Added file page meta values see [TODO]
- New taxonomy `wpfb_file_category` — This makes categories from WP-Filebase available in the WordPress post infrastructure. You can now add categories to navigation menus or use them in other plugins
- Fixed generation of filepage excerpt to show thumbnails
- Fixed file page publish data in future
- Fixed permissions when uploading and creating a new category from front-end
- Removed file browser warning if not set
- Template variable file_name uses file_name_orignal if set
- Disabled output buffering for NGINX on progress reporting
- Fixed defaults for custom fields
- Combined & minified treeview scripts
- Fixed thumbnail detection
- Fixed AJAX for sites with semi-HTTPS (backend-only)
- Admin colors in file form
- Added better thumbnail preview after upload
- Fixed responsiveness of batch uploader
- Set Default Thumbnail size to 300px
- Fixed error `class getid3_lib not found`
- Changed thumbnail file name pattern: `X._[key].thumb.(jpg|png)` — This prevents thumbnails from being added as actual files when meta data is lost (on site migration)
- Changed JS registration `jquery-treeview` to `wpfb-treeview` to avoid conflicts
- Fix: Send a 1×1 transparent thumbnail if thumbnail not available
- Filepages and File Categories now appear in Navigation Menus page — You can add these to your navigation menu to easily link to a file details page. You can also link to file category listing the file pages in that category
- Fixed remote redirect
- Fixed remote file name detection
- Fixed file hit counter
- New template variable “%is_mobile%`
- Fixed file list sorting bug
- Fixed file browser showing up unexpectedly
- Fixed permission issue in backend file browser
Flvplayer seems to be missing from the extras folder, videos no longer play. Is this intentional?
Is the new Version compatible with WordPress 4.4.2 ?
Filebrowser Ajax is not working after upgrading!