WP-Filebase Pro Update 3.4.2

Update 3.4.2 is compatible with WordPress 4.4.1 and includes the following changes:

  • New Dashboard
  • New upload box — More responsive, new coloring adapts to admin theme
  • Added logging system
  • Added GitHub file name format version recognition
  • Fills out file display and version automatically
  • Fixed cron bug
  • Updated image-picker and jquery-deserialize
  • Added download URLs to backend file browser
  • Generate filepage excerpt template fix
  • PPTM indexing
  • Fixed ghotscript detection
  • Added file page meta values see [TODO]
  • New taxonomy `wpfb_file_category` — This makes categories from WP-Filebase available in the WordPress post infrastructure. You can now add categories to navigation menus or use them in other plugins
  • Fixed generation of filepage excerpt to show thumbnails
  • Fixed file page publish data in future
  • Fixed permissions when uploading and creating a new category from front-end
  • Removed file browser warning if not set
  • Template variable file_name uses file_name_orignal if set
  • Disabled output buffering for NGINX on progress reporting
  • Fixed defaults for custom fields
  • Combined & minified treeview scripts
  • Fixed thumbnail detection
  • Fixed AJAX for sites with semi-HTTPS (backend-only)
  • Admin colors in file form
  • Added better thumbnail preview after upload
  • Fixed responsiveness of batch uploader
  • Set Default Thumbnail size to 300px
  • Fixed error `class getid3_lib not found`
  • Changed thumbnail file name pattern: `X._[key].thumb.(jpg|png)` — This prevents thumbnails from being added as actual files when meta data is lost (on site migration)
  • Changed JS registration `jquery-treeview` to `wpfb-treeview` to avoid conflicts
  • Fix: Send a 1×1 transparent thumbnail if thumbnail not available
  • Filepages and File Categories now appear in Navigation Menus page — You can add these to your navigation menu to easily link to a file details page. You can also link to file category listing the file pages in that category
  • Fixed remote redirect
  • Fixed remote file name detection
VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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WP-Filebase Pro Update 3.4.2, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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