WP-Filebase Pro Update 3.1.05

Update 3.1.05 is compatible with WordPress 3.5.1 and includes the following changes:

  • New Feature: 2-Way-Sync: Files are Uploaded to Dropbox, S3 and FTP
  • New Feature: Private File Browser
  • New Option `File Browser expanded` in File Browser Settings and Editor Plugin
  • New fresh looking default File & Category templates. [HTML/CSS for upgrading](http://wpfilebase.com/how-tos/file-category-template-v2/)
  • New Option for File Pages `Content Keywords`
  • Improved Fix File Pages tool
  • Resetting settings to default will not reset the default templates anymore
  • Resetting templates to default will also reset default templates
  • Small Icon Size can be set to 0 to display full size icons
  • Further memory optimizations
  • New category template variable `%cat_has_icon%`
  • Update Changelog is now available when updating in the Dashboard
  • Better GhostScript detection
  • Updated DataTables to 1.9.4
  • JS code of embedded uploader is minified
  • Removed line breaks from search form HTML to prevent auto-
  • Fixed monthly/daily traffic limit
  • Fixed download range header handling (thanks to mrogaski)
  • Fixed Batch uploader
  • Fixed HTML comments in templates
  • Fixed URL issues when using HTTPS
  • Fixed file lists showing only secondary categories
  • Minified DataTables init JS to prevent auto
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