WP-Filebase Pro Update 3.1.01

Update 3.1.01 is compatible with WordPress 3.5.1 and includes the following changes:

  • New custom post type `wpfb_filepage` for file pages
  • Extended Embeddable Forms
  • New Feature: Added individual limits for custom roles
  • RemoteSync: files deleted on remote service are also removed locally
  • New Default Template: `filepage_excerpt` used for file pages in search results
  • Custom language files dir can be set with PHP constant WPFB_LANG_DIR in wp-config.php
  • Upload permissions are inherited
  • New Option ‘Use fpassthru’ to avoid invalid download data on some servers
  • New GUI tab for File Page Templates
  • Removed Option `Destroy session when downloading`, this will now work in a different way
  • Added `.svn, .git` directories to sync ignore list
  • Fixed flash uploader behavior when uploading file updates
  • Fixed embeddable forms GUI
  • Fixed file renaming on upload
  • Fixed GUI for Embeddable Forms
  • Fixed quote escaping in template IF expressions
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