WP-Filebase Pro 3.1.02

Update 3.1.02 has been released today.

  • New Feature: Category ZIP Packages (a ZIP containing all files in the category)
  • New template variable for categories: `%cat_zip_url%`
  • New Option `Category ZIP Files` under Download Settings
  • File Page settings arranged in new tab
  • New Option `File Page URL slug` to change permalink base of File Pages
  • New Option `Comments on File Page` to enabled file comments
  • Sync: Added support for external cron service
  • Increased stability of sync
  • Fixed download URL on file pages
  • RemoteSync: expired Dropbox links are automatically refreshed
  • RemoteSync: Added Link Lifetime option for S3 sync
  • Backend: Fixed not all files beeing visible for Admins
  • Fixed minor bugs
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