Update 3.1.01 released, with new features and fixes.
It introduces a custom post type “wpfb_filepage”. For each file, a post of this type is created. If search integration is enabled in WP-Filebase settings these posts will appear in search results. This integrates much better that the File Browser Page with a List of results, since Posts are sorted by dates, and the Date of Filepages as synced with the actual file date. So newly uploaded files will appear on top of the WordPress Search results.
Theses are the changes:
- New custom post type `wpfb_filepage` for file pages
- Extended Embeddable Forms
- New Feature: Added individual limits for custom roles
- RemoteSync: files deleted on remote service are also removed locally
- New Default Template: `filepage_excerpt` used for file pages in search results
- Custom language files dir can be set with PHP constant WPFB_LANG_DIR in wp-config.php
- Upload permissions are inherited
- New Option ‘Use fpassthru’ to avoid invalid download data on some servers
- New GUI tab for File Page Templates
- Removed Option `Destroy session when downloading`, this will now work in a different way
- Added `.svn, .git` directories to sync ignore list
- Fixed flash uploader behavior when uploading file updates
- Fixed embeddable forms GUI
- Fixed file renaming on upload
- Fixed GUI for Embeddable Forms
- Fixed quote escaping in template IF expressions