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The Feedbackbox is our feature request system. You can suggest new ideas, vote on existing ones, and track our progress.

Each month you get 10 votes to distribute. You can choose to use all your votes for one idea you really like, or spread them across between several ideas 🙂

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File Size Limit for embedded Forms


A file size limit can be set for frontend uploads through embedded Forms

0 Comments suggested by Fabian, 10 years ago
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Social Content Locker


Users need to share content before they are able to download

0 Comments suggested by , 9 years ago
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Remote URI Template Tag


I had need to access the remote uri of a file in the filepage template so I added the following code to the Models.php and File.php files. I’m sharing because I thought this might be a useful addition for others.

added on line 36 to array returned by else in function TplVarsDesc
’file_remote_url’ => __(’Remote Download URL’,’wp-filebase’),

added on lines 579-580 to switch in function get_tpl_var
case ’file_remote_url’:
return htmlspecialchars($this->file_remote_uri);

0 Comments suggested by Micah, 8 years ago
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Location Restrictions


Extension to add location restrictions to make files available only in certain regions, countries or continents.

0 Comments suggested by , 9 years ago
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Sync files with

0 Comments suggested by , 9 years ago
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maybe you answer from here


Hi, I have two issues with the plugin:

1) for our project we need that users upload from fronted, admins get notified and approve and then users get notified of the approval. I managed to set all the plugins settings and everything seems to work, but the notification mails are really not “user friendly” they have informations or things that users and admins do not need/want to see, how may I change the template of this notifications?

2) in this page https://www……it/documenti/ we put a data table using the following code:

everything appears, but I would need the file to sort ordered by category and in each category by date (the last uploaded) instead no matter the changes I male to the shortcode or to the settings of the plugin I don’t manage to change the order in wich they sort. why?

I really hope you can help.

0 Comments suggested by ivan turatti2, 7 years ago
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Sync files with

0 Comments suggested by , 9 years ago
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PayPal links broken



I am wanting to renew my license, however the ”buy now” button results in an error from PayPal stating:
Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later. Of course, I can’t create a new support ticket since my license has expired. :/


chris (ccsanford at gmail)

0 Comments suggested by csanford_NPAIHB, 7 years ago
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Sharepoint Cloud Sync


Feature Request: the ability to sync with Office 365 \ SharePoint.

0 Comments suggested by Jamie, 9 years ago