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Paid Downloads / Micropayments


A simple extension that allows you to set a price for each file. Users can pay with PayPal and receive the Download link.

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago
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Tables Tool


Hello, I am using the Tables tool and am relatively new at this. I like what I have been using and find it much better than the alternatives for my needs. After using it a little while, I think there are some areas where you might improve it. #1. Under the settings and Display tab, you allow users to indicate a ”category substitute.” Suppose we assign the label ”Magazine” When doing so, I am expecting the webpage displayed table to display ”Magazine” rather than ”Category”. But it continues to display the word ”Category” #2. When using the tool to incorporate the table into the webpage, you have a checkbox that allows the user to select the category. Furthermore, you can select the category level you wish to list. When doing so, I am expecting the table to display ONLY the category selected for listing. Instead, it displays all categories (it only starts the drop down menu at the point selected). So there isn’t a meaningful difference between the choice of ”Include All Categories” and selecting a specific category. I think this can be improved so it allows the option of displaying only the category selected.

0 Comments suggested by Mercedes, 6 years ago
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File Name Ignore List


File name patterns can be specified to ignore certain files during sync.

0 Comments suggested by Fabian, 10 years ago
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Features to add functional polish


I’ve been inside and out of WPFBP the last couple days. Though I think its goals are spot on, I’m finding it lacks certain ’finishing’ elements that would make it complete — not loaded w/ bells and whistles — just basic features or feature elements that are missing or incompletely implemented.

For instance, when doing a front end upload, a user is given no confirming information that the upload succeeded, though I find in the php code references to that capability, though no ”Upload Succeeded” message is ever displayed. I also find in the code references to an upload progress bar, but that feature doesn’t appear either. Both of these basic functions should work, the framework is in the code to make it happen.

In the File Browser variations I wanted to improve (enlarge) the spacing between lines to make the file tree view more readable (especially w/ custom icons attached to category groups). However, after much code efforts on my part to adjust CSS and then by necessity, the php code itself, it is apparent that this program has grown over time and like most programs needs some serious cleanup and rewriting w/ best practices — such as using CSS classes more extensively instead of using inline-CSS which makes customization and theming nearly impossible without hours of recoding.

Finally, attempting to purchase the Dropbox or Google Drive extensions is a failed effort — all browsers report an infinite redirect loop that causes the browsers to abort the page with no success. Probably just a glitch, but no response from the ”Premium Support” to my inquiry after 3 days.

To be clear, I like what this program is seeking to do. I congratulate the author on core file management functionality. But that core has some gaps in it in the sense of completion of basic features and user-customization.

And, I’ve spent $60 US — a pricey plugin that under inspection doesn’t live up to that price category in terms of polish and core feature completion.

I’d be happy to post a much brighter report if the author would address these issues in an understanding and timely manner.

Not sure what to do now. Keep hacking code I should have to hack? Ask for a refund? Write it off as a $60 (and 3 day) mistake? I’m hoping for a response.

0 Comments suggested by Greg Malone, 10 years ago
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no show link if adblock activated


option for template.

0 Comments suggested by Ladislav, 8 years ago
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About to make a youtube video of your great support



I have been waiting over two weeks for your response to an issue, and I am at at the point of posting a video on YouTube and any WordPress board where your product is listed explaining the poor support. My idea is provide support for the people that actually PAID YOU for it; Even if you answered that you were working on it, and would get back to me in a few days…THAT would be more acceptable than not answering.

0 Comments suggested by Charles2, 8 years ago
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“Overwriting” WP-Filebase Pro


Could you please put some information about how to do this in your ”Troubleshooting” section?

To fix a bug, I have been instructed to ”overwrite” my old WP-Filebase Pro.

I know how to ”activate” and ”deactivate” and ”delete” and ”update” plugins from the WordPress backend. But there is no option for ”overwrite”.

I have a lot of files and settings in my WP-Filebase Pro and I don’t want to lose them.

This is really losing me some critical time…I have searched the net and I do not find any details about ”overwriting”


0 Comments suggested by Maureen, 7 years ago
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Better Support


I also find support to be something that needs to be approved. Although my initial request for firewall upgrade support was answered within 2 days (not too bad), subsequent pleas for assistance when the initial suggesting did not work have been unanswered for over a week.

0 Comments suggested by Charles2, 8 years ago
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Media Library Interface


New feature: Google Drive interface to Media Library … be able to store and retrieve media files on Google Drive from within the Media Library

0 Comments suggested by dnduncan, 10 years ago
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Cloud Encryption


Encrypt files that are hosted on a Cloud Service like Dropbox, Amazon S3 and Google Drive.

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago
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WooComerce Interface


To sell Files using WooComerce

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago
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Categorías secundarias


Excepcionalmente hay archivos que deben estar en más de cuatro categorías (un documento extenso que abarque amplias materias). Debería habilitarse una opción de poder añadir más categorías secundarias.
Además, en el visor de archivos deberían aparecer no sólo las categorías principales, sino también las secundarias.

0 Comments suggested by Jorge3, 9 years ago
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Azure Storage Sync


Sync for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago
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File Size Limit for embedded Forms


A file size limit can be set for frontend uploads through embedded Forms

0 Comments suggested by Fabian, 10 years ago
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Social Content Locker


Users need to share content before they are able to download

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago
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Remote URI Template Tag


I had need to access the remote uri of a file in the filepage template so I added the following code to the Models.php and File.php files. I’m sharing because I thought this might be a useful addition for others.

added on line 36 to array returned by else in function TplVarsDesc
’file_remote_url’ => __(’Remote Download URL’,’wp-filebase’),

added on lines 579-580 to switch in function get_tpl_var
case ’file_remote_url’:
return htmlspecialchars($this->file_remote_uri);

0 Comments suggested by Micah, 8 years ago
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Location Restrictions


Extension to add location restrictions to make files available only in certain regions, countries or continents.

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago
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0 Votes left Cloud Sync


Sync files with

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago
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maybe you answer from here


Hi, I have two issues with the plugin:

1) for our project we need that users upload from fronted, admins get notified and approve and then users get notified of the approval. I managed to set all the plugins settings and everything seems to work, but the notification mails are really not “user friendly” they have informations or things that users and admins do not need/want to see, how may I change the template of this notifications?

2) in this page https://www……it/documenti/ we put a data table using the following code:

everything appears, but I would need the file to sort ordered by category and in each category by date (the last uploaded) instead no matter the changes I male to the shortcode or to the settings of the plugin I don’t manage to change the order in wich they sort. why?

I really hope you can help.

0 Comments suggested by ivan turatti2, 8 years ago
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0 Votes left Sync


Sync files with

0 Comments suggested by , 10 years ago