Feature request: It would be very nice, if you make your premium support better than in the past. This is very important for all of your users!
It would be very nice to have some statistics about downloads. Daily, weekly, monthly etc..With some nice backend graph something like Jetpack have for site stats..Widget would be also nice to show most popular files today, this week, this month or most popular ever…
Drag & Drop Sorting of Files & Categories
I like to suggest a sorting option of files and categories with Drag & Drop.
Please see this screenshot:
Vey much like this plugin does:
Thank you,
Checkboxed List for ZIP download
Users can select files they want to download using checkboxes and then download all files at once in a single ZIP file.
Signed Download URLS
For improved security, download URLs are signed, which makes it impossible to share or post them on another website. Links will expire after some time and are only usable once.
Please add a ”Duplicate” file feature, similar to the wordpress ”duplicate page/post” feature to copy all of the fields from another file.
Connect to WordPress Media Library
An extension that connects WP-Filebase Pro with the stock WordPress media Library. Files and meta data are syncronised between WP-Filebase and the Media library.
Native DataTables Support
Current Data Tables are implemented on WP-Filebase’s template system.
Native support would enable AJAX lists, better search implementation and easier setup.
Embedded Forms: Let user choose a sub-category
In the backend you can select a base category for an embeddable form and later, users can upload to one of the sub-categories.
Ticket System
It would be very helpful if someone would respond to submitted support tickets.
File Auto Expiry control
It would be great if Files could have an auto-Expire control – where a file is taken offline on a certain date
we are trying to devise a solution to allow expired files to be ”archived” – ie held in the document library but no longer visible on Filebase pages or in Searches
Another option would be to designate a folder/category where expired files could be moved to automatically – this category could be set to ”Exclude from File Browser”
I’ve been looking at a simple option using a Custom Field for ”Expiry Date”
Change Filesize text from “MiB” to “MB”
The usage of ”MB” for megabytes is standard in the USA. ”MiB” looks like an abbreviation for the movie ”Men in Black”.
Log Zip Files
Hi, As well as the download logger showing individual files, it is critical it should also show zip files created by WP-Filebase, which it currently does not.
Publish Date
Set a Publish Date for files so they will be published in the future like WordPress posts.
Embeded Table?
I have a very large bunch of files that I need to display in an organized fashion. At the same time I need to display information about the each file in a filebase table format. I am looking for a way to embed a filebase table within the filebase tree view. Is it currently possible?
Paid Downloads / Micropayments
A simple extension that allows you to set a price for each file. Users can pay with PayPal and receive the Download link.
Tables Tool
Hello, I am using the Tables tool and am relatively new at this. I like what I have been using and find it much better than the alternatives for my needs. After using it a little while, I think there are some areas where you might improve it. #1. Under the settings and Display tab, you allow users to indicate a ”category substitute.” Suppose we assign the label ”Magazine” When doing so, I am expecting the webpage displayed table to display ”Magazine” rather than ”Category”. But it continues to display the word ”Category” #2. When using the tool to incorporate the table into the webpage, you have a checkbox that allows the user to select the category. Furthermore, you can select the category level you wish to list. When doing so, I am expecting the table to display ONLY the category selected for listing. Instead, it displays all categories (it only starts the drop down menu at the point selected). So there isn’t a meaningful difference between the choice of ”Include All Categories” and selecting a specific category. I think this can be improved so it allows the option of displaying only the category selected.