WP-Filebase and Relevanssi

WP-Filebase search integrates with Relevanssi. There are a few things you need to do:

  • In WP-Filebase settings / File Pages enable “Content Keywords”
  • In Relevanssi settings make sure to enable indexing for “wpfb_filepage” post type
  • After changing the settings run a rescan (WP-Filebase Dashboard / Tools)
  • For searches inside documents use Document indexing extension
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One thought on “WP-Filebase and Relevanssi

  1. VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    WP-Filebase is a WordPress plugin that provides advanced file management capabilities for cloud-hosted files. It offers features such as secure download links, user access control, and virus scanning to protect files from unauthorized access and malware. It is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to manage and protect their cloud-hosted files.

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