NGINX compatibility

WP-Filebase Pro works with Apache2 and NGINX. Some additional configuration might be required:

  • WP-Filebase protects the upload path on the server drive with an .htacess files. Only Apache supports these in-place configuration files, thats not an NGINX thing, because this needs extra I/O. Since NGINX is high performance, there is only a single configuration file. Here you have to disallow the access to your upload path to prevent direct access.
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2 thoughts on “NGINX compatibility

  1. Eric says:
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    When i installed the free version on one of our single instance WP sites, we see an section called Embed Templates in the Dashboard menu. However, when we installed the free version on one of our multi-site WP sites, we don’t see the Embed Templates option. The multi-site is setup using an NGINX server, not an Apache server.

    Also, when you select WP-Filebase dashboard option, there is a link on the right side under “How to get started with WP-Filebase” dropdown called Manage Templates. When I select the link, I get the following error:

    “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”

    How would I get the Embed Templates area to show up?

  2. Himanshu says:
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