How-to change Thumbnail size

Thumbnail sizes can be adjusted for files that are either images or PDF, i.e. that WP-Filebase can generate a thumbnail for them.

To change the Size, first set WP-Filebase- >Settings-> Display -> Thumbnail Size to the desired value. Then run the tool WP-Filebase -> Rescan Files -> Forced thumbnail update.


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8 thoughts on “How-to change Thumbnail size

  1. Zac says:
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    Can the thumbnail size have both a height and width value, or only one or the other?

    1. Fabian says:
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      there is only one value, wich limits the longer side, either width or height.


  2. Roger Harmar says:
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    Is there a way of designating the width of the thumbnail to a set value rather than using the dimension for the longest side? To fit my layout i want to be able to use a set width with the height being variable. I don’t seem to able to do this, can I set this up in the code?

    regards Roger

  3. Yatish says:
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    Hi there

    Love this plugin …

    Please advise how to regenerate thumbnails safely? We have a gallery that shows the image thumbnails and it is currently showing all as /wp-includes/images/crystal/default.png instead of the image thumbnail.

    Thanks very much

  4. Yatish says:
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    Hi there Fabian (and all else) – has anyone solved this on the thumbnails? We have had about 297 images with a thumbnail’ed gallery in multiple categories … at some point all the thumbnails defaulted to /wp-includes/images/crystal/default.png. How do i show them again without removing the files and readding/retagging, etc? Thanks all

    1. Fabian says:
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      Did you try the rescan tool? There is an option to force a thumbnail update, this will re-generate thumbnails of all image files (and other supported documents such as PDF)

    2. Fabian says:
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      Hi, there have been a bug in sync code, which have been fixed.
      Rescan the files to re-create thumbnails.


  5. eddie007 says:
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