Automatic cron sync with custom schedule

By default WP-Filebase schedules a sync every hour using WordPress’ built-in cron system.

If you want it to sync more often or with less frequency install the Plugin Advanced Cron Manager. The WP-Filebase cronjob names “wpfb_cron”.


  • You can also call a sync manually with do_action('wpfb_cron');
  • On plugin update or activation the cronjob is re-scheduled if not present. Check your  custom settings- if any – with Advanced Cron Manager after a plugin update.
  • You can find the URL for external cron requests in the Tools section
  • Since 3.3.4 WP-Filebase Pro show stats about the last cron sync (Time, Memory)
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One thought on “Automatic cron sync with custom schedule

  1. Ashwin says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    Am always using this wonderful alarm feature in my windows 10 OS and suggest everyone to know here all the setting to run this inbuilt program.Thank you guys.

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