Upgrading from Free Version

Upgrading from WP-Filebase free to WP-Filebase Pro is easy:

  1. Extract the Pro Plugin package
  2. Upload the folder wp-filebase-pro to WordPress plugin directory wp-content/plugins
  3. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins and disable the free version of WP-Filebase (the free version is titled WP-Filebase, while the Pro Version appears as WP-Filebase Pro)
  4. After disabling the free version, you can enable the Pro version. On first activation the Plugin alters its Database tables to make the new features available.
  5. Now you can activate WP-Filebase Pro using your License Key. (q.v Setup)

You can downgrade from WP-Filebase Pro to WP-Filebase free at any time.

35 thoughts on “Upgrading from Free Version

  1. Lynne Davis says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    If I upgrade to the Pro version, do I have to re-upload all of the files I am currently managing with the free version?

  2. Micha says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    I use now wpdownloadmanager and it works perfect. Take a look goo.gl/Paxahs
    The support is very fast and perfect.

  3. VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    Hi Fabian,
    Sorry to use this way, but the contact form seems not to work.

    I’m using already for a while you WP Filebase plugin, so not the Pro version, but today I found out that I’ve got the idea that the WP Filebase free plugin version (version 3.4.5) isn’t updated or is it? The reason to bring this up is because I noticed that the Pro version has version number 3.4.32.

    Could you please tell me how I should handle or what I should do? I still think that I don’t need all the features of the Pro version, that’s why I started with the free version. Or should I go since X-Plained.Com is just started and still is a hobby of me for a request of a non profit license?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Angelique van Campen

  4. Rodrigo Alvarez Bolívar says:
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    Hi I interesting in your plugin ….. but need some aswers… I habe a large base of pdf files, some have external and local linked pdfs files, updated by month.:
    1. its posible upload a pdf with multiples linkded files inside of it folder? .
    Example: folder1— file.pdf — folder with pdfs linked files
    2.its posible upload a pdf with multiples linkd files? … local, and dropbox or google drive?
    2 Its posible have link between pdf files?.
    3. its posible just file icon, date, and dowload or preview button … that open the pdf in new window or _blank.?… not details
    4. Is easy to translate?.
    5. Requires Ghostscript ? where… client, server?

    thanks in advance

  5. elsa says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    I want to use your pluging.

    can I use this plugin for local server?

  6. Gary says:
    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    Is this site still being managed?

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