WPFB Pro: Settings » Save Changes » 400 Bad Request

WP-Filebase Pro Forums General Support WPFB Pro: Settings » Save Changes » 400 Bad Request

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  • #1305

    I just purchased, registered, and installed WP-Filebase Pro on a website. Whenever I go into Settings, make a change, then press the Save Changes button, the site takes a long time to process the request then returns a “400 Bad Request” server error.

    How can I fix this?

    Alternately, how can I change settings manually through the plugin files or MySQL database entries?

    Technology Profile
    WordPress Version: Self-hosted, single site, v3.6
    WP-Filebase Pro Version: 3.1.12
    WP-Filebase Pro Websites Registered: 1
    Host: GoDaddy
    Server: Linux Apache

    Steps Taken Before Saving Settings:
    – Modify various different options. Result: 400
    – Deactivate then reactivate plugin. Result: 400
    – Deactivate Pro version then install and activate Basic version. Result: 400
    – Change server directory permissions according to this page: //wpfilebase.com/how-tos/file-browser-not-loading-editor-plugin-gives-internal-server-error/. Result: 400
    – Change server directory permissions for wp-content to 755. Result: 400
    – Confirmed original plugin files are all located on the server. Result: Success
    – Upload files through the WP-Filebase interface, create categories, assign files to categories. Result: Success
    – Change WordPress settings and other plugin settings. Result: Success
    – Activate, Deactivate, Install, Delete plugins through the WordPress interface. Result: Success
    – Install WP-Filebase on a LOCAL server using XAMPP and update settings. Result: Success

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Thomas.

    The author of this plugin has disappeared. There has been no support here since November.

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