Upload form showing on frontend under all custom post type views

WP-Filebase Pro Forums General Support Upload form showing on frontend under all custom post type views

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  • #3604
    Todd Munro

    I have been having a problem after version 3.1.15. I have tried each new update and the problem persists. There is a filebase upload form that appears after each entry on a custom post type view. I am using Wp-Types and Wp-Views here is the before and after filebase updates:

    It only appears to logged in users so its not critical.
    I can give you access to the site to take a look.




    Todd Munro, how did you get the pdf icons to display? Did you assign them to each document them each time?

    BTW, the only way that I can switch out a file is by using the “Browse” link under the attach file button. That’s a workaround.

    Todd Munro

    Hi Chris,
    Its just a background-image css in a views template for the pdf. This listing is actually not using filebase for the file management, thats why its so strange that the filebase uploader is showing there.

    Glad you got your files working.



    Hi Todd,

    are there any JS errors in the browsers console?

    Access to your site would be very helpful. Please create a private ticket for this.

    Todd Munro

    Hi Fabian,

    I just checked and yes there were 50 errors.

    But I just tracked it down to an iframe embed code an admin put in a text widget that was calling a bunch of external javascript. I removed it and everything looks fine now. Thanks for the JS clue to look for and the great plugin.

    Have a good weekend,


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