Strange Activation Failed message

WP-Filebase Pro Forums Setup Strange Activation Failed message

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  • #746
    Mark Malone

    I’ve activated this plugin successfully on two domains, but on a different site I’m getting an activation failed message.

    Activation failed: Something went wrong with activation. Please contact support. (NO_SRV_RESP)

    The “please contact support” link is actually pointed to “mailto:wpfb_support_email,” so that combined with the “NO_SRV_RESP” message makes me wonder if I’m missing a file that’s supposed to be translating those slugs into actual text. Has anyone seen this issue before?
    I checked to make sure the NONCE_SALT is set, so that’s not it. I bought the Business license so I should be able to install it on more domains.

    David Moseley

    Did you find a solution for this, I’m getting the following error:
    Activation failed: Something went wrong with activation. Please contact support. (INV_SRV_RESP)


    Please try this PHP test file: //

    Just upload it anywhere to your server and open it with your browser. Please post the results here.

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