PDF / Doc indexing – how to reindex + Relevanssi

WP-Filebase Pro Forums General Support PDF / Doc indexing – how to reindex + Relevanssi

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  • #4472

    Hi there.

    Two questions re: indexing searchable content

    1) We are struggling to get the PDF and other document indexing to work well – we don’t seem to have much turning up in searches when we search for content in PDF files. Is there any way to have WP-Filebase reindex the search terms for files in the library?

    ghostscript seems to be working fine on the server and we have thumbnail generation working perfectly.

    2) We are using the Relevanssi search plugin. I have wpfb_filepage selected as a cpt to index along with the usual posts, pages, categories etc. I just wanted to confirm that WP Filebase Pro indexing works fine with Relevanssi as an extension to the standard WP search functionality?


    Further to this… is there any way to add a search field to a page that allows searching of just files (title, author, category, document content) in the filebase?

    The standard WordPress search (with Relevanssi) is returning far too much content. On a publications page we just want to be able to search within the filebase library but I can’t see any way to insert just WP Filebase search form.


    Ok… making progress. I figured out I can get a search box using a custom template based on the data-table template.

    It’s now working great showing a search box on the page except that it shows the first num=xx files by default before a search has been done. Setting to 0 or -1 just shows all files.

    Is there any way to have the search field there but not show any files by default until a search term is entered and then show num=xx files in pagination?

    Thank you!


    Hi Phill,

    What did you end up doing to get your Relevanssi search to find your PDF metadata? I too have WP-Filebase, but Relevanssi is not finding anything from WP-Filebase, even though I am indexing the wpfb_filepage CPT.

    Thank you!




    some points that might help you:

    1) for PDFs consider the extension for Advanced Indexing https://wpfilebase.com/extend/advanced-indexing/

    2) you can check the generated keywords below the form when editing a file

    3) For best compatibility with other plugins enable “Content Keywords” in File Page Settings of WP-Filebase. Relevanssi should then find the sites

    4) Run a rescan to let WP-Filebase re-index the files after you changed a setting or installed an extension

    Hope that was helpful.

    : Please post the shortcode here.


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