FTP download

WP-Filebase Pro Forums General Support FTP download


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  • #5636

    Hi, i just bought your plugin, my goal is to have a folder into the host i use for my site and sync it with a category.

    So by FTP i create subfolders an upload files then my visitors can download the files from website after registration.

    I have to use FTP Sync even if the folder is on the same website hosting space?

    If i try to visit my site and download a file in an FTP sync your system request the FTP password but i would to just ask the wordpress user password not again the FTP password.

    Is possible to do? Thanks a lot.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by CLAUDIO3.

    The FTP Sync is only required to sync with other servers, not the same. If you want to skip the password, you have to enter a HTTP in the FTP sync settings

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