Frontend upload nor working since update

WP-Filebase Pro Forums General Support Frontend upload nor working since update

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  • #6679


    I have updated WP to 4.4.1 and WP-Filebase Pro to 3.3.3

    Since then, embedded forms don’t work anymore. They appear on the page, I can choose a file and click on the button but the file isn’t uploaded and I have a message “No file was uploaded”.
    It works from backend.

    Thanks for your help


    Are there any errors in the JavsScript console of your browser?

    Webmaster PNWQWTC

    Ditto FredsENT’

    I also upgraded to WordPress 4.4.1 and WP-Filebase Pro 3.3.3. My embedded form is located in the middle of my page, surrounded by instructions and explanatory text. When I try to upload a file using the Drop and Drag feature, a second Drop and Drag/embedded form box appears at the bottom of the page and refuses to let me use my original embedded form for uploading.

    When the file attempts to upload, I receive the following error: “Unable to insert item into DB! Column ‘file_hash’ cannot be null”.


    Re-install the plugin (deactivate, delete plugin files, download latest version, upload it). No files or settings will be lost.



    I have done what you said by installing the last version 3.4.3 and my embedded forms still don’t work.

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