Does WPFB-Pro provide any hooks?

WP-Filebase Pro Forums General Support Does WPFB-Pro provide any hooks?

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    I’d like to be able to customize some of the functionality of WPFB-Pro, and I’d like to do it correctly–without altering any of the actual source files. But I can’t find any documentation on any actions or filters that I can hook into.

    An example: I’d like to customize the file edit form and add a product-chooser that will allow the user to select products (Woocommerce) to associate with a particular file (say, a PDF of a product brochure). Can I hook into the code that renders the form and append stuff to it?

    Another example: I’d like to email a staff member whenever a file gets uploaded or updated. Can I hook into the “save” function to add a routine that will send an email?

    WPFB-Pro is the only WP plugin that even comes close to meeting my client’s needs, but there are enough things that it doesn’t do that I’m seriously considering coding a custom plugin for them from the ground up. I’d much rather use WPFB-Pro with a few of my own tweaks, though, if I can, and if it’ll save on development time.


    I’m already using WPFB-Pro as a mu-plugin so I can safely modify it where needed.
    See: for more details

    My issue is that I’m trying to include thumbnails for the WYSIWYG Editor Plugin file attachment tree. I think it would be a better user experience to preview the images before attaching them. Right now users can only see the names of each file.

    How could this be achieved?


    I’m always supporting extensions for WP-Filebase that does not require code altering.

    scottnic, just let me know what hooks, filters and actions, you need and I’ll put them into the next update.

    gjones, Please open a new topic for this to keep things organized.

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