Category Permissions

WP-Filebase Pro Forums General Support Category Permissions

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  • #599
    Restek Marketing

    I set one category access permissions to a certain user role. I am still able to view the files in that category by navigating to them via the url. I can confirm that the files are not able to be viewed from the front end.

    I’m not trying to be a stickler but some files may be bookmarked by end users and if they can still access them via the url, then the permissions will be for nothing if I would change the user’s permissions.

    If I change an individual file access permissions, I cannot access the file through the url. I’d like this same functionality to populate through to the categories.

    Restek Marketing

    I see that there is a option for “apply permission to all child files”. This worked.


    Also note that you can toggle visibility in Settings / Security / “Hide inaccessible files and categories”.

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