Cloud Sync

Cloud Sync (or Remote Sync) is a powerful feature that allows you to outsource files in the Cloud. Using standard APIs and protocols, WP-Filebase easily integrates into your existing hybrid cloud architecture. All Cloud Syncs – regardless of the service – are 2-way (syncs uploads and deletions). That means that files uploaded to the Cloud Sync root category (or any of it’s Sub-Categories), are automatically uploaded to the Cloud Service and deleted locally. Thus, as a Site Admin, you don’t have to pass FTP passwords or tools for handling S3 buckets to the uploading users. See the chart for an overview how the whole thing works:
Files are downloaded during sync and scanned for thumnails. Uploaded files will be passed to dropbox. Downloads are server by cloud server.

Remote Sync Services

With Remote Sync you can outsource file hosting to an external service. WP-Filebase syncs with a folder on the service and adds files recursivly. It once downloads all files and scans it for thumbnails and extended file info (ID3 tags). Then the file is deleted and an external download link is created. Downloads will be redirected to that links without causing any data traffic on the blog server. Foreach sub folder a category is created, so the folder structure will be the same like on the remote service.

FTP Sync

Just enter the FTP details (host, user, password) and select a folder to sync with. A HTTP Url can be specified to map downloads to HTTP instead of FTP when downloading.

Dropbox Sync

You can connect WP-Filebase to your Dropbox account. After connecting, use the AJAX browser to select a directory in your Dropbox to sync with. You can choose if downloads links are pointing to the file or a Dropbox preview page. Note that forcing downloads does not work with files hosted on Dropbox!

Amazon S3

With an AWS access key and secret you can easily add files from a S3 bucket. The (virtual) path names of the files inside the bucket are mapped to category structure. You can sync whole buckets or only files inside a directory, i.e with a certain path prefix. WP-Filebase Pro includes a bucket explorer, so you can browse through buckets and select the directory to sync.

Google Drive

Files stored in Google Drive can be synced. Syncing of documents created in Google Docs is not supported yet.


With this extension WP-Filebase can sync with any WebDav server. This includes ownCloud servers and


We have a OneDrive extension too.

Master-Slave Syncing

A more advanced scenario is the Master-Slave Syncing: multiple WordPress Sites share some or all files, while files are only stored at the Master Site. Slave sites are using the FTP Sync to retrieve the Master Files and upload new files (2-way sync).

Master Slave FTP Sync


66 thoughts on “Cloud Sync

  1. Nick Hood says:
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    I raised a “premium” support ticket a few days ago and have yet to receive a response. I am trying to connect to DropBox as described above (it’s why I bought the premium version) but am receiving errors “DropBox Exception!
    DropboxException Object ( [message:protected] => Could not get request token! Array ( [ \”\” rel=\”stylesheet\” type=\”text/css\”> ” when trying to connect.

    Is there something I’m missing? Any chance you could tell me when you’ll be able to look at this problem?


    Nick Hood

  2. Joseph says:
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    Hi Nick,
    I was having the same problem and have just updated to the latest Version 3.0.13 and is all working fine now

  3. Fabian says:
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    Yeah, Dropbox Sync should work fine with 3.0.13.
    FYI: It was caused by a bug in PHP’s HTTPS wrapper when cURL is installed. The Sync Code now directly uses cURL if its installed, instead of the fopen-Wrappers.


  4. Mike says:
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    Hi Fabian

    Im trying to understand your remote sync feature. Im trying to use with the FTP method. Ive set up an FTP directory on one of my other servers and pointed a new remote sync to it. But when I press sync, I get a white screen while it tries to do something. The chrome browser is working but nothing is happening. It’s been like this for over 10 minutes. I have to close the window.

    What is supposed to happen when I press sync?


  5. Greg Cole says:
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    Newest version breaks DropBox sync for me. I get a DropBox Exception error when I try to add a new Sync. Reverting to 3.0.12 returns Sync capabilities, but only for Admins. No matter what permission settings I use, Editors get the ‘Cheatin Uh?’ message in the select box where you are supposed to choose the DropBox folder/path. Frustrating…

    1. Fabian says:
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      This was fixed with latest version.

  6. GMC says:
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    When I go to upload a file to dropbox after the operation I get the message: “Cheating, huh?.
    The files, of course, are not uploaded to the Dropbox folder.

    Question: But my files remain on the server or go directly to the dropbox folder?

    1. Fabian says:
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      GMC, the files will remain on your server, they will NOT be uploaded to Dropbox.

  7. Thomas says:
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    can you elaborate on AMZN S3 sync. Could we create a bucket with dirs as categories and sync that to WP?

    Thanks T

    1. Fabian says:
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      Yes, this is how it works.


  8. Nav says:
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    WP-Filebase wont synch with a bucket created on Amazon S3.
    I have put in the access key/private key. When I press synch, nothing happens.

    I have made the bucket on Amazon S3 public to prevent any permissions issue.
    Also have altered the permissions to cancel the chance of “access deny” errors.

    Could you guys please provide proper documentation with screenshots on how to do this with your plugin.


  9. Eric says:
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    I am getting the following error when syncing with Dropbox for a rather large directory:
    Remote Sync Vendor Document Library on service Dropbox with account [dropbox account]
    Retrieving remote file tree, this can take some time…Database error: MySQL server has gone away

    Smaller directories are syncing fine.

    1. Fabian says:
      VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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      Hello Eric,
      edit wp-filebase-pro/classes/Sync.php.

      Search for
      and add after this line:
      @ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', -1);
      @ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 6000);

      Does this fix the issue?

  10. VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    Hi Fabian,
    Today I am using Remote Sync’s FTP options and upon clicking Sync, the below details are displayed and it always shows 0%.
    Remote Sync eBooks on service FTP with account
    Retrieving remote file tree, this can take some time…done!
    Number of new Files: 1
    Number of modified Files: 189
    Number of deleted Files: 0
    Downloading temporary files (total size: 2.3 GiB)

    And nothing happens now. It always shows 0%. I have waited for a long time now.

    Please resolve.


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