With the File Browser users can browse through all categories. It will appear on the Page or Post set in WP-Filebase Settings. If search integration is enabled the File Browser Page will be included in search results listing all matching files using the Default Template.
I’m getting SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column 5649 of the JSON data
Happens on the published page or on the file browser on the back end
In the Network log of your Browser search for the ajax keyword and see what it says in response preview of that request.
Is it possible to change the template for the page shortcode file browsers? I’d like to use my custom category as title for the file browsers where I want the secondary category to show and default title for those using the primary category.
I’ve made a filebrowser_custom template and added the tag to the shortcode but it doesn’t seem to work. I’m able to get filelist_custom but not filebrowser_custom. Thank you!
I am having an issue with all the uploaded files in one category not showing up after I upload a new file and put it in that same category. What could be causing this?
I’ve evaluating several WP plugins to allow me to present user documentation on our website, this looks very close to what I need.
I’m setting up several pages, each one with different categories of documents that different user classes can access so I’d like to use the browser interface. and I have a problem with the browser.
I have folders with sub folders, with documents
I’m using this shortcode
[wpfilebase tag="browser" path="TechNotes" showcats="1" search="*.pdf"]
From the top all directories are visible, but the first one only shows a loading spinning logo, the other operate as I expect by showing the child directories and/or files.
I have also tried the blank Browser page and that works fine. but shows all directories, even those I don’t want a particular user class to even see.
Any ideas?
can you post a URL of the page?
I guess its some issue with JS files not getting loaded. You can try to enable Settings / File Browser / “Late script loading”
And check the browser console for any errors.
In Filebase settings, Inline Add is checked (In each category display actions to add a file or category). It is not showing the +Add Category / +Add File links if you aren’t the owner on the folder. You can still drag and drop files but the links aren’t there.
I received outside instructions to bypass the problem by changing the line 318 of file ” classes.php “. Replace this : “if ($inline_add_cat && ($parent_id CurUserCanAddFiles())) {“
by this : “if ($inline_add_cat) {“
Now that works, but only when there is a file in a folder. If the folder is empty it does not appear.
Is there any working solution to this?
File Browser AJAX Tree not work with me ):
Can the File Browser be presented to the public – our site visitors – with or without password protection and allow them only to view and download without any privileges to add, edit or upload? (While still allowing our WordPress admins to upload, edit, etc.) I’m looking at this to present agendas and minutes of meetings to our general membership. I’ve used the sandbox demo site and it has much more features than we need, but the end-user presentation is very nice and fits what we’re looking for. Also wondering about discounted pricing for nonprofits and to confirm that you can accommodate Canadian purchases of WP Filebase Pro. Thank you kindly!
Is there a way to add the file browser to a widget rather than only one page or post?
Hi There,
I’m using the filebrowser tree on my website and I was wondering if it’s possible to open the pdf files in a new browser?
I’ve inserted this this the shortcode which i found on your website 😉
[wpfilebase tag="list" id={category id} path="{category path}" tpl="{list template tag}" sort="{file_property}" showcats={0/1} sortcats="{cat_property}" num="{page limit}" pagenav="{0/1}" search="{searchterm}" /]
Ok – I could have missed something but I would like the pdf-files I have in my AJAX-tree to open in a new window (target=_blank) but I can’t find where to do this
It is not a biggie but it’s bugging me