Limit Access by User Groups

At a first glance, WP-Filebase only allows you to limit access by User Roles, but not User Groups added with 3rd-party plugins, such as UAM. Here's how to setup WP-Filebase Pro and the User Access Manager Plugin to set permissions for User Groups. (more…)
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How to make dataTables search file tags

This instruction is now deprecated. Please use the instead, which is much easier to use and comes with native search feature. DataTables have their own search box to filter files. This only uses file meta data that is actually visivle in the table. If you want to search for file tags that are not included in the table, you have to use WP-Filebase's search form: (more&hellip...
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File RSS Feed

To get the RSS Feed for Files, just append ?post_type=wpfb_filepage to your Blog's feed url. For example: you want to list the files beside other Wordpress Posts, use this query string:?post_type[]=post&post_type[]=wpfb_filepage
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File Browser not loading, Editor Plugin gives Internal Server Error

The information in this article is deprecated. WP-Filebase (Pro and Free) don't request to PHP files inside the plugin directory anymore.If the File Browser keeps loading forever or returns "Internal Server Error", its most likely a file permission issue. Some servers with suPHP are configured so that PHP files that are writable (CHMOD 777) cannot be accessed, giving a 5...
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Increase the Upload File Size Limit

When uploading files in the browser the maximum file size is limited by server configuration. WP-Filebase does NOT have a file size limit!To uploading larger files, the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size need to be increased in php.ini.If your server configuration allows it you can add this line to your .htaccess:php_value upload_max_filesize 30MIf you are on...
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Category ZIP URL

WP-Filebase Pro can put all files of a category (and its sub-categories) into a single ZIP files. Users can download whole categories without clicking trough all their files.To provide the link to the ZIP file use %cat_zip_file% in your category template. If you want to insert the links somehwere without using a file list, do it like this (replace 123 with the category ID):...
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FilePage Custom Single Template

File Pages have the Custom Post type wpfb_filepage. By default current theme's single.php is used. To use a custom template for File Pages, create single-wpfb_filepage.php in your theme's directory. You can copy the code from single.php if you don't want to start from scratch.That's it, WordPress will automatically use the new file when it renders the File Page.
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File & Category Template v2

Here's the Template and CSS code for the new default File and Category Template: HTML File Template: <div class="wpfilebase-file-default" onclick="if('undefined' == typeof document.getElementById('wpfb-file-link-%uid%').click();"> <div class="icon"><a href="%file_url%" target="_blank" title="Download %file_display_name%"><img align="m...
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How-to change Thumbnail size

Thumbnail sizes can be adjusted for files that are either images or PDF, i.e. that WP-Filebase can generate a thumbnail for them.To change the Size, first set WP-Filebase- >Settings-> Display -> Thumbnail Size to the desired value. Then run the tool WP-Filebase -> Rescan Files -> Forced thumbnail update. 
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Custom File Type Icons

WP-Filebase uses WordPress' default file type icons in wp-includes/images/crystal for files without a thumbnail. To use custom icons copy the icon files in PNG format named like pdf.png or audio.png to wp-content/images/fileicons (you have to create that folder first).
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Change Folder & File Permissions

By default, WP-Filebase sets folder permissions to 777 and file permissions to 666. This gives best compatibility with all server setups, although it's not a secure setting.To change the permissions that are applied during Sync, add the following two lines to your wp-config.php:define('WPFB_PERM_FILE', 666); define('WPFB_PERM_DIR', 755);Put them above/* That's ...
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