Categories are standardly sorted by names. This is how you set a custom sort order: (more…)
MoreLimit length of Template Fields
When having files with long names it is sometimes necessary to trim the name so it will fit in one line, for example in the File List Widget. (more…)
MoreUpdate: WP-Filebase Pro 3.0.11
Added Embeddable Forms Email Notification
Added Embeddable Forms File Approval
Better support for big files (>1.5GB)
Widget File Search Form now looks like the default search form
Add New Button is now hidden when using the Drag&Drop Uploader in Embeddable Forms
Added length limit for template variables: `%file_display_name:20%` limits the name to 20 charact...
MoreWP-Filebase Pro Update 3.0.11
Update 3.0.11 is compatible with WordPress 3.4.2 and includes the following changes:
MoreWP-Filebase Pro Update 3.0.10
Update 3.0.10 is compatible with WordPress 3.4.2 and includes the following changes:
MoreWP-Filebase Pro 3.0.09
The update 3.0.09 comes with some new features and fixes. (more…)
MoreUpdates Page
You can now download the current and all previous versions of WP-Filebase Pro at the page. Updates should also appear in WordPress back end.
MoreWP-Filebase Pro Update 3.0.08
Update 3.0.08 is compatible with WordPress 3.4.2 and includes the following changes:
MoreWP-Filebase Pro released
I am happy to announce the release of WP-Filebase Pro, the professional edition of WP-Filebase.If you are experiencing any problems during the payment process, please contact us at wpfilebase [a't] fabi [d'o't] me . (Replace [a't] with @ and [d'o't] with .)
MoreWP-Filebase Pro Update 3.0.07
Update 3.0.07 is compatible with WordPress 3.4.2 and includes the following changes: