Limit Access by User Groups

At a first glance, WP-Filebase only allows you to limit access by User Roles, but not User Groups added with 3rd-party plugins, such as UAM. Here’s how to setup WP-Filebase Pro and the User Access Manager Plugin to set permissions for User Groups.

In the UAM Plugin you can set “Role affiliation” for each user group. Create a User Role for every user group and set respective affiliation. In WP-Filebase you can then limit access to the created User Roles, thus the affiliated User Groups.

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4 thoughts on “Limit Access by User Groups

  1. Restek Marketing says:
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    I’m having trouble getting this to work.

    1. cmaudano says:
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      I was able to get this to work just fine.

  2. alphastate says:
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    I think see how this works. But by default we are limited to just a few user Roles (5) in wordpress.

    If I affiliate UAM Group 1 to the wordpress role Subscriber then every other wordpress user with the role Subscriber gains access to UAM Group 1 posts.

    So I would need add new wordpress roles – with low ‘subscriber’ like capabilities – for each UAM Group.

    In my case that makes UAM pretty much redundant.

    That is unless I am missing something.

  3. ankit says:
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    Online yahtzee allow you according to your choice where you have lots of option for choose and play easily without any account.

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