Hide extra fields and extra templates in upload form

WP-Filebase Pro Forums Templates Hide extra fields and extra templates in upload form

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  • #4679

    I want to simplify and tighten the interface for upload for admin editors, both in the tinymce editor button and the add files menu page.

    Is there a quick method ( which is upgrade friendly)
    OR is this getting quite heavy duty development?
    Ideally I don’t want to just hide elements with CSS.

    Hide fields
    I have custom fields populated with information but I don’t want the editor to see those once the site is live.
    I only need my custom styled templates.
    I also don’t need language, version and a few other fields.
    Hide some tabs on the tinymce button..

    Move fields
    Permissions should be available more easily. ( they are on the extended form but I need them more readily available)

    I want to set defaults for templates.
    So… limiting how much the admin person has to choose and think. ( too many choices and they make mistakes)

    CSS in admin
    I want to style the form upload. The form is very long and bulky and could be more styled and more compact.

    What would be the upgrade friendly styling methods ?
    Any guidance much appreciated.


    I would also like to see templates for admin file list view.

    Will Ramos

    I’d love to see this feature as well. The upload form is unruly and I would like it so that I can easily just show my custom fields.


    You can hide them with custom CSS. We are working on simplifying it. I agree its layout is not good.

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