Update 3.0.11 is compatible with WordPress 3.4.2 and includes the following changes:
- Added Embeddable Forms Email Notification
- Added Embeddable Forms File Approval
- Better support for big files (>1.5GB)
- Widget File Search Form now looks like the default search form
- Add New Button is now hidden when using the Drag&Drop Uploader in Embeddable Forms
- Added length limit for template variables: `%file_display_name:20%` limits the name to 20 characters
- When deleting a RemoteSync the corresponding file meta data is removed
- Fixed RemoteSync crash when a category exists with the same name as a file
- SSL Host/Peer Verification disabled for Amazon S3 sync, that caused trouble
- Fixed pagenav shortcode parameter, thanks to yuanl
- Fixed file size limit in Drag&Drop uploader causing trouble
- Fixed possible fatal error on PDF indexing (mb_detect_encoding)
- Fixed CSS Editor Bug
- Fixed bug in list sorting